This regional coordinated plan is the Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan for the ten-county region of Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association (OMEGA). The ten counties included in this plan are Belmont, Carroll, Columbiana, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Muskingum, and Tuscarawas Counties. The plan was developed between 2018-2019. This plan fulfills the requirements of the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, signed into law as a reauthorization of surface transportation programs through Fiscal Year 2020. According to requirements of the FAST Act, locally developed coordinated public transit-human services transportation plans must be updated to reflect the changes established by the FAST Act legislation. The FAST Act applies new programs and rules for all Fiscal Year 2016 funds and authorizes transit programs for five (5) years.
The purpose of a regionally developed, coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan (coordinated plan) is to identify community resources for transportation and mobility, understand the gaps and unmet needs within those resources,
and to determine the approach to addressing those gaps and needs both regionally and locally.
ODOT does not require any entity to produce a coordinated plan, but for small urban and rural areas of Ohio, ODOT makes project selections for under the Specialized (Section 5310) Transportation Program. Federal transit law requires projects selected for funding under the Specialized (Section 5310) Transportation Program to be included in such plans. Therefore, ODOT must use the coordinated plan to ensure that requested projects address identified unmet needs and are in compliance with Federal transit law and guidance.
Federal law requires these plans to be developed and approved through a process that includes participation by seniors, individuals with disabilities, representatives of public, private, and nonprofit transportation and human services providers and other members of the public. ODOT encourages coordinated plans that go beyond the requirements of Section 5310 funding to include analysis of needs and development of projects to address the mobility needs of the general public.
The following information, which clarifies and amplifies areas of FTA’s and ODOT’s guidance for developing coordinated plans, applies to current and potential sub recipients of ODOT’s Specialized (Section 5310) funding. This information must be read in conjunction with FTA’s official guidance related to coordinated plans, which is contained in Chapter V of Circular FTA C 9070.1G, “Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Guidance and Application Instructions,” available at and included as an attachment.
and to determine the approach to addressing those gaps and needs both regionally and locally.
ODOT does not require any entity to produce a coordinated plan, but for small urban and rural areas of Ohio, ODOT makes project selections for under the Specialized (Section 5310) Transportation Program. Federal transit law requires projects selected for funding under the Specialized (Section 5310) Transportation Program to be included in such plans. Therefore, ODOT must use the coordinated plan to ensure that requested projects address identified unmet needs and are in compliance with Federal transit law and guidance.
Federal law requires these plans to be developed and approved through a process that includes participation by seniors, individuals with disabilities, representatives of public, private, and nonprofit transportation and human services providers and other members of the public. ODOT encourages coordinated plans that go beyond the requirements of Section 5310 funding to include analysis of needs and development of projects to address the mobility needs of the general public.
The following information, which clarifies and amplifies areas of FTA’s and ODOT’s guidance for developing coordinated plans, applies to current and potential sub recipients of ODOT’s Specialized (Section 5310) funding. This information must be read in conjunction with FTA’s official guidance related to coordinated plans, which is contained in Chapter V of Circular FTA C 9070.1G, “Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program Guidance and Application Instructions,” available at and included as an attachment.
Regional Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Plan